It is employed in order to liquefy the vitiated Doshas and to bring and collect these in the main body channels such as digestive tract and respiratory tract. The natural material available for oleation is oils and Ghrita (clarified butter).
- All persons who require any of the five cleansing procedures must be given oleation therapy.
- Persons suffering from vitiation of Vata Dosha, which increases the dryness in the body.
- Persons suffering from arthritic conditions, or nervous disorders.
- Persons who undergo regular physical strain.
- Persons prone to psychological symptoms such as emotional stress and anxiety.
Persons who suffer from coryza, asthma, cough, hiccoughs, earache, headache, pharyngitis, paraplegia, hemiplegia, arthritis, facial paralysis, sciatica, backache, joint disorders, edema, constipation, urinary obstruction, and spasmodic pains, etc. are given hot fomentation.
Persons whose Kapha Dosha and Medo Dhatu (body fats) are augmented and corrupted; pregnant women; persons suffering from ascites, indigestion, anorexia, and nausea and persons who are taking the treatment of Basti Karma and Nasya Karma should not be given oleation therapy.
When employed as a reparatory procedure before starting with any of the five cleansing methods, a certain amount of pure Ghrita or sesame oil should be given every night for seven nights two hours after dinner, either with some food or in pure form, according to status of individual’s health or status of disease. Persons with weak bowels are administered with oleation therapy for three days.
Special precautions
Very mild diaphoresis should be employed to the delicate parts like testes, eyes or heart, for a very short time. Also, blood pressure, pulse and respiration chart is maintained. Precautionary measures should be taken to overcome any dehydration caused by excessive perspiration.
Signs and symptoms of a properly oleated person
- It works as appetizer.
- Internal smoothness and external oily complexion.
- Smooth passage of stools and gases.
Complications of improper diaphoresis
When Oleation therapy is either incomplete or in excess; various complications occur. These are fever, heaviness in body, edema, diarrhoea and dysentery, and excessive thirst, etc.
Instant Oleation
In some diseases when cleansing procedures are required to be employed at the earliest, the process of instant oleation is described. In this, all the four important Snehan Dravyas, i.e. Ghrita, Taila (oil), Vasa (animal fats) and Majja (marrow) are taken in equal quantities and are cooked with one part of rice. This preparation is called Pancha Prasutiki Peya. It is given for instant oleation. Also, use of salt along with oleation material is advised, as salt is absorbed by the minutest part of the body and in the process carries along with it the oleation material, which is distributed throughout the body.
External oleation (Abhyanga)
It is nothing but oil massage or local application of medicated Ghrita. It is given either as a treatment for various diseases, or as a preparatory procedure before starting five cleansing procedures.