Vaman or induced emesis is one of the five cleansing methods of Panchakarma Chikitsa. It is performed to subdue augmented Kapha Dosha. Giving decoction of medicinal herbs for ingestion in large amounts induces emesis. For this purpose, either liquorice decoction or decoction of emetic nut (Madanphal kwath) is used. Sometimes warm salt water is also used to induce emesis. Before Vaman is given, there are three procedures which are to be employed, namely Paachan (Digestion), Snehan (Oleation therapy) and Swedan (diaphoresis).
Induced emesis should be employed if the person is suffering from diseases like coryza, asthma, cough and other respiratory diseases; hyperacidity, indigestion, dysentery, diarrhoea and other digestive disorders; psychosomatic illnesses, anemia, filariasis, dermatoses and acute poisoning.
Obese and malnourished persons, pregnant women, persons with heart complaints, earache, eye diseases; persons who are treated with induced enema; persons having gastric or duodenal ulcer and persons having hepatic diseases are not given induced emesis.
- Completion of the preparatory procedures is mandatory before employment of induced
- A general examination is carried out to rule out cardiac diseases. And high or low blood pressure.
- Vaman is given in the morning, to eliminate diseased Kapha as much as possible. For this, decoction of emetic nut or liquorice is given depending upon patient’s constitution state of his disease. The main signs are nausea; excessive salivation and excessive perspiration.
- During the process of emesis; temperature, pulse and respiration chart is maintained. assistant is present with the patient to take care of any probable complications.
Signs and symptoms of proper emesis
Exhaustion is an apparent sign, and vitiated Doshas are eliminated in a proper sequence i.e. mucus, bile and gases. The bouts of emesis subside naturally, after the proper elimination of the toxins.
Complications of improper Emesis therapy
When emesis is incomplete, one may not get the required bouts of vomiting to eliminate toxins or does not get emesis. However, when done in excess, it could cause severe hyperacidity, which could lead to bleeding from throat; severe pain in stomach, giddiness, and gaseous distention.
Post Emesis procedures (Procedures to be done after emesis)
After a properly given emesis therapy, patient is asked to inhale the smoke of medicinal cigarettes. For diet, Sansarjan Krama is followed. Also, overeating and consumption of fried, and spicy food should be avoided.