Spring | Cool | Aggravation of Pitta | Internal and external oleation (Snehapan, Abhyang) powders for Kapha & oil for Vata. Induced emesis (Vaman) and purgation, (Virechan) Strong nasal therapy (Nasya) | Light food, which is more pungent, astringent & bitter in taste. Avoid cold weather |
Summer | Hot | Aggravation of Kapha | Internal oleation (Snehapan) Diaphoresis (Swedan) less hot Shirodhara with cooling herbs medicated enema (Kshira Basti/ Netra Basti/ Kati Basti) bloodletting (Rakta Mokshan) purgation (Virechan) | Warm food & drinks, more sweet, bitter & astringent food. Avoid excessive heat, and hot bath. |
Fall | Windy, Cool & Dry | Aggravation of Vata | More emphasis on medicated enema (Basti Chikitsa) diaphoresis (Swedan-Nadisweda, pottali sweda) nasal therapy (Nasya) | Heavy food ercips can be consumed (if digestion is strong). More of sweet, sour & salty food. |
Winter | Cold & dry | Vata & /or Kapha Aggravation | External oleation (Abhyanga) with medicated oil Diaphoresis (Swedan) purgation (Virechan). Nasal therapy (Nasya) | Hot food & drinks, more sour, salty & pungent tasting food |