हरिः ॐ

Seasonal Panchakarma

Although Panchakarma therapies can be administered in any time of the year, but traditionally everyone who wanted to take care of their health and remain fit the Ayurveda Scriptures have suggested which treatments to be taken according to the season. The table also suggests which dosha would be normally aggravated in which season. These treatments are suggested to people with a normal health, and if you have certain disease or any other body condition the treatments would be accordingly suggested by the doctor upon detailed check up.
SeasonWeatherDosha AggravationPanchakarmaDiet/Behaviour
SpringCoolAggravation of PittaInternal and external oleation (Snehapan, Abhyang) powders for Kapha & oil for Vata. Induced emesis (Vaman) and purgation, (Virechan) Strong nasal therapy (Nasya)Light food, which is more pungent, astringent & bitter in taste. Avoid cold weather
SummerHotAggravation of KaphaInternal oleation (Snehapan) Diaphoresis (Swedan) less hot Shirodhara with cooling herbs medicated enema (Kshira Basti/ Netra Basti/ Kati Basti) bloodletting (Rakta Mokshan) purgation (Virechan)Warm food & drinks, more sweet, bitter & astringent food. Avoid excessive heat, and hot bath.
FallWindy, Cool & DryAggravation of VataMore emphasis on medicated enema (Basti Chikitsa) diaphoresis (Swedan-Nadisweda, pottali sweda) nasal therapy (Nasya)Heavy food ercips can be consumed (if digestion is strong). More of sweet, sour & salty food.
WinterCold & dryVata & /or Kapha AggravationExternal oleation (Abhyanga) with medicated oil Diaphoresis (Swedan) purgation (Virechan). Nasal therapy (Nasya)Hot food & drinks, more sour, salty & pungent tasting food


SWAN Yoga Retreat is rated one of the best yoga retreat in India located in North Goa and it is also one of the most affordable yoga retreat of goa, india. Functioning on the principles of yoga ashram and employing teaching methods of the gurukula system, SWAN Yoga Retreat is run and managed by teachers trained at various reputed yoga schools of India. Our Retreat is Open from October through May. SWAN offers best 100, 200, 300, hours hatha yoga teacher training in India. SWAN Yoga Retreat also offers Ayurvedic consultation with the doctor, 2/3/4 week Ayurvedic Panchakarma detox treatments, Ayurvedic massage and therapies, Ayurvedic Cooking Classes. Please do subscribe to our Facebook page for latest news and developments at SWAN and also youtube channel for video testimonials of our guests.

Certificates of Excellence


SWAN Ayurveda Retreat, Goa India
Email: swanayurvedagoa@gmail.com
Telephone: +91 8007 360 677

Notes to Visitors

“SWAN Yoga Retreat” & “ SWAN Ayurveda” are the brand names of “SWAN Foundation for Ayurveda & Yoga Research”, a non-profit organisation. We welcome guests who seek authentic, pure & traditional teachings, discipline, practices & therapies of Yoga & Ayurveda for well-being, health, peace & spiritual life. Guests looking for comfortable/luxurious stay or resort/hotel type set-up & services are discouraged to book your stay here since the entire campus is eco-friendly with an ashram style but clean & spacious infrastructure in a natural and peaceful environment. The focus is on sharing the vedic/scientific wisdom of India in itś purest form.


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